One Week Was All It Took: Book 2 of the One Night series (One night was all it took)
Welcome to book number two!
Lacey is considered “The Bitchy Bartender” and buries herself in her work. She manages a bar in a small southeastern town. She has some very close friends who work with her at the bar and a friend that she lives with. She’s an independent, hard-working, takes-no-crap type of woman. She doesn’t need a partner and doesn’t want one, but on rare occasions, she will hook up with a random person, mostly men. On rarer occasions, she might play around with a woman. Overall, she isn’t too concerned with having a sex life or relationship.
Her best friend’s brother, Derek, is an ex-pop star and failed massively on his tours. He returns home with a couple of friends, one of the friends with him is his ex-girlfriend, Natalia. Natalia takes an immediate interest in Lacey. Lacey also finds a rare connection with Natalia, considering Lacey isn’t very interested in women, this is something special.
Natalia and Lacey have one strong intimate night. It’s the first time Lacey has ever been fully intimate with another woman and feels something she has never felt for another person.
Lacey is quick to fall in love with Natalia and doesn’t even know it in the beginning. Lacey also finds out about Natalia’s wealth but isn’t concerned with money to even care about it. Lacey and Natalia become a story of love having no boundaries. Your heart chooses whomever it desires.
These two women end up falling head over heels for one another, but not without obstacles and mistakes. Throughout this series, their love grows, they create more friends, and they grow together. They go through hell together. Some dangers await, and many people disagree with their love. They fight for their love, they fight for their friends, and they fight for their lives. They learn that mistakes can be real, and no one is perfect, even between the two of them.
With an amazing growing crew of friends, these two find out what true love is and what true hell is. They fight through the worst and love through the best. The heart of this story is about love and friendships that become more like family, although very steamy too (NSFW). One bar, one family of friends, one love, one night, one week, one second, one universe. This very steamy love story is the new generation of love stories. This story makes you want to be at the bar with them and it’s not the drinking that makes you want to be there.
Throughout the four books, there are many obstacles. Infidelities. Close calls. Deaths. New friends and family. Fights. Heartbreak. New romances. Everything you could ask for in a series of books. Take this journey of love and let it grow on you!
In book two you find Lacey and Natalia returning home from their trip to ex-lovers, possible break ups? And many obstacles that want to tear them apart. The steamy in this novel only grows steamier, and the love only grows stronger. Welcome new friends to the bar, new employees, and new lovers. Unexpected twists and turns that make you want to keep your eyes glued to the book! If you enjoyed One night was all it took, that was only the beginning! Come back to the bar and see what drinks they have tonight!